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One In Every Classroom

Did you know that statistically speaking at least one child in every UK classroom will be colour blind?

That’s because one in 12 boys and one in 200 girls inherit a form of red/green colour blindness. Applying these figures to the average co-ed, maintained sector (state funded) school classroom and assuming a 50:50 ratio of boys to girls means at least #1inEveryClassroom will be colour blind. Most parents, teachers and schools are unaware of this, which is why you’ll see us coming back to our #1inEveryClassroom campaign time and again.

Look out for updates on our social media accounts and please share our video – currently our pinned Tweet on Twitter

#1inEveryClassroom 2019 campaign

The launch of our infographic video for parents and teachers

Please watch our new video, released on Colour Blind Awareness Day, 6th September 2019 then click on the Parents and/or the Teachers sections of the website for more information.

1st APRIL 2015- see below

Our first #1ineveryclassroom campaign, featured a cute animation, designed to appeal to younger children and parents and teachers of children in Early Years/Key Stage 1 settings.

In the video our lovely cloud sings us his version of the well-known Rainbow song and he tells us how difficult it is for him to explain what he can’t see. Then he shows us how the colours of the rainbow appear to him.

Although the campaign was aimed primarily at parents, teachers and schools we hope that everyone will find its message enlightening and that it will encourage people to find out more about how colour blindness might affect members of their own families, their colour blind friends and also people they work with, such as colleagues and potential customers.

Watch the BBC news coverage of the campaign on our Colour Blind Awareness YouTube channel #1inEveryClassroom playlist, including a clip made by BBC Newsround designed for children under 12 years. As statistically speaking one child in every classroom has a colour vision deficiency we hope, having watched the animation and supporting news coverage that teachers will question which of the children they are currently teaching might be affected.

We’d like teachers to show the animation to pupils in the hope that its friendly message will encourage colour blind children to come forward. We’d also like to think it will instil empathy in the minds of colour normal children. As the song is very catchy it should appeal to younger children especially!

We’d also like the animation to make parents to question whether their own children might be colour blind. 1 in 12 boys and 1 in 200 girls have a colour vision deficiency but 80% are undiagnosed when they reach secondary school. We want parents to ask themselves if they ever remember their children having a colour vision test and if they are unsure, to take them to an optometrist.

‘Marcus’ Story’ is the follow up video for the #1ineveryclassroom campaign and in it Marcus’ mum, Marie, explains the story behind the making of the animation.

PRESS RELEASE 1st APRIL 2015 ATL 2015 conference – Colour Blindness

PRESS RELEASE 10 FEBRUARY 2015 #1ineveryclassroom press release

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